Situation in Ukraine
We find it hard to find the right words to react to what is happening in Ukraine. BISYOC stands in solidarity with all victims of war and oppression.
As an intercultural youth orchestra, BISYOC’s goal has always been to connect people from all over Europe and beyond by making music together. Consequently, BISYOC will offer places on its summer course free of charge to young people who have fled from war and oppression. If you know such young musicians, please spread the word.
The goal of our activities is to actively contribute to an attitude in which people live together peacefully and are connected in friendship – regardless of their nationality, cultural or ethnic origin, etc.. After two years of isolation due to COVID and this outbreak of violence against the people of Ukraine, we hope all the more to be able to send a sign of peace, community, and friendship with our summer course.
BISYOC 2022 Applications are Open!!! :)
We are incredibly happy to announce, that the application for BISYOC 2022 are open now. 🙂
We have decided to build upon our great experience in 2021 and go back to Eberswalde, Germany for the 2022 orchestral course. Check out all the details at our course page.
Welcome to BISYOC
BISYOC starts today and the first participants have already arrived in Eberswalde.
We look forward to a great time and wish everyone a safe journey. 🙂
Follow us on Instagram for more up-to-date news in the next days.