BISYOC – European Intercultural Youth Orchestra is more than just another orchestra. We promote intercultural exchange between young people from different countries, offering a place to grow personally and socially – through making high-quality music together. BISYOC unites people from different cultures and backgrounds which includes different ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, language, religion, and geographical area.
We believe that there is no better way to promote mutual respect and understanding than by experiencing something that connects across all differences – our passion for music.
We are a non-profit organisation run by a small but dedicated team. As a Youth Exchange, some of our past funding has come from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme as well as private individuals and arts funding organisations.
You can find out more about us by reading our story and about our mission. You can visit the team page to see who is involved or visit us on facebook. If you want to stay up to date, consider subscribing to our newsletter.
BISYOC – European Intercultural Youth Orchestra runs on a not-for-profit basis. We are registered as a non-profit charity in Germany and the work of the board is completely charitably.
We try to keep course costs to a minimum. Still, most young musicians could not afford the course if it was not supported by donations. We rely on donations to offer the courses at an acceptable price.
BISYOC is a one-of-a-kind project that fosters the personal development of young people from all over Europe. With your donation, you help to keep this project alive. Your donation is what enables young people to attend our orchestral course and experience first hand how intercultural teamwork, understanding, and respect feel like.
Your donation is fully tax deducible in the EU.
How to support us
Become a member of our charity and support us by a small membership fee. You can have a word in the future of BISYOC and may become more involved as an ambassador, team member or helper.
Become a BISYOC patron for an instrument or country group of your choice and help create more course places.
Donations help us run during the year. Please consider a reoccurring donation to help us run things smoothly. Your donation is fully tax deducible in Germany. Please contact us for a receipt.
The Peter Gibbons Bursary Fund is a social scholarship open to all BISYOC participants. Its aim is to provide financial support for participants who otherwise would not be able to join BISYOC.
Click here for more information on the Peter-Gibbons-Bursary-Fund.
If you represent an institution or your idea of supporting us does not fit a membership, sponsorship or a donation, please consider becoming a partner of ours.
To stay informed, sign up to our newsletter below and follow us on facebook.
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